Technology and Business Excellence are the twin drivers of HR Strategy in this decade. Every function in HR is being redesigned and given new capabilities by a powerful array of software & internal networks. Data integration is transforming back office transactions to leadership selection and training, from records management to HR analytics.

Every stage of the employee life cycle from pre-boarding to post retirement is being pulled into a new on-line support network. In the face of the maelstrom of opportunities HR has to act fast to help the company make the most of what it spends on people. There never seems to be enough time and money to take advantage of the opportunities. And there is so much hype and so much internal resistance! It is enough to drive anyone to outsourcing.

At the base of any HR technology strategy, no matter which way you go, there is data. What does it cost, what is it worth and how can you take advantage of it? See our initial paper on the myths of HR analytics to start to rethink your own strategy.

HR Techology (PDF)

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